The Figurative expressions in the potic works of Rehman Baba

  • Mohammad Farooq Anjum Assistant Professor, Department of Pashto, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
Keywords: رحمان بابا-, علِم بيان, کلام


Rehman Baba is considered as the most famous poet of Pashto language. Despite of his poetic themes, his diction and expressions with the lingual reference are very important. He is popular among all due to his artistic abilities and lingual aspects .His language is not only eloquent but also strenuous. It has a fluency and also spontaneous. Various figurative expressions are found in his poetry. He deals with the poetic diction so skillfully that it values the quality and importance of linguistics.The author of this paper have analysed the style, diction and figurative expressions in the poetic works of Rahman Baba.

How to Cite
Anjum, M. (2021). The Figurative expressions in the potic works of Rehman Baba. Pashto, 50(661). Retrieved from