Evaluating Poetic Translations: A Comparative Analysis of Selected English Translations of Rahman Baba

  • Ayesha Orakzai scholar, Researcher Educationist
  • Shahab Aziz Arman HED
Keywords: Key words: Domestication strategies, Pakhtoons, target-text oriented translation.


Abstract: The study aims to undertake a comparative analysis of two English translations of Rahman Baba,         the poet of Pakhtoons. The basic aim of the research is to ascertain the degree to which each translation has done justice to Rahman Baba’s work. The research is primarily qualitative in nature. An in- depth   analysis of five randomly chosen poems (out of Jens Enevoldsen’s selection) has been carried out.   The analysis has basically been done in the light of Dastjerdi et al model of translating poetry. All the poems have been analyzed on two levels: textual level and extra textual level in accordance with the model Additionally L.Venuti’s two types of translation strategies: domestication vs foreignization have been looked at in the translations... The results  show that  Jens Enevoldsen (albeit with good intention)  has tried to  smooth out the text by using target text oriented translation   to make it more accessible to the intended Western  reader by using domestication strategies. He has sacrificed the essence of Rahman Baba’s poetry. Robert Sampson and Momin Khan, on the other hand have tried to help the non-native reader to imagine a culturally different space and time by using foreignization strategies. While both translations could not preserve the form of the text. In Jen Enveldson’s translation the content has also been compromised.


1. Elphinstone.M (1815) . An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul. London:Longman .
2. Lok Virsa ,Rahman Baba,Urdu translation.
3. Jakobson, R (1959) .’On Linguistic aspects of translation’. In R. A Brower (ed) On Translation, Cambridge, MA :Harvard University Press, pp 232-39.
4. Munday.J (2001). Introducing Translation Studies : Theories and applications, London and New York: Routledge.
5. Beaugrande ,D .R .(1978) .Factors in a theory of poetic translation, Van Gorcum in Assen.
6. Venuti, L.(1997). The American Tradition,in M Baker (ed.) (1997a), pp305-15
7. Schleiermacher, F. (1813/1992). ‘On the different methods of translating’ .in R. Schulte and J. Biguenet (eds) (1992),pp. 36-54.
8. Shuttleworh,M.,and Cowie,M. (1997) .Dictionary of Translation Studies, Manchester UK.
How to Cite
scholar, A., & Arman, S. (2021). Evaluating Poetic Translations: A Comparative Analysis of Selected English Translations of Rahman Baba. Pashto, 50(661). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/212