Textual criticism and Kamgar Khan Khattak’s Dewan

  • Siraj Muhammad Khattak PhD
Keywords: Keywords: Kamgar Khattak , Manuscript , Masnavi, Textual criticism


The contributions of Khushal’s family for Pashto language & literature are vital and incredible. Kamgar Khan Khattak son of Namdar Khan Khattak (1100–1165) also nourish to Pashto language & literature in the form of a Dewan having various type of poetic genera and a very rare Masnavi (Sharha e aaqaid). For any classic literature/ manuscripts textual criticism has great value because it restore the original text form the author wrote .in this article textual criticism and Kamgar Dewan will be explore.


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How to Cite
Khattak, S. (2022). Textual criticism and Kamgar Khan Khattak’s Dewan. Pashto, 51(664). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/306