Symbolism in Darwaish Durani’s Poetry

  • Salah ud Din Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Noor Muhammad Danish Betani Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar
Keywords: Poetry, Symbolism, Darwesh Durrani, Literature


The word “Alamat” originated from Arabian language.  In English language word "Symbol" is used. The word “Alamat” and “Pelaam” are being used in Pukhtunkhwa. The people use the word “Symbol” in English language in its original condition as it has been used from 19th Century and finally find it way to Pashto literature and in 20th century. The symbols have been used by various poets through history. The current research will mainly focus on the use of symbols in Pashto Poetry by the Poet named as Darwaish Durrani.

How to Cite
Din, S., & Betani, N. M. (2023). Symbolism in Darwaish Durani’s Poetry. Pashto, 52(666). Retrieved from