On Agreement and its interactions with Case A Lexical Functional Grammar Perspectives

  • Raj Wali Khan Islamia college University Peshawar
  • Muhammad Iqbal, Dr Department of English, Islamia College University Peshawar
Keywords: Case, Grammatical Functions, Verbal agreement, Default agreement, Pashto. Subject


The study examines the mechanism of verbal agreement, case, and their interactions in Pashto language. The finite verb in Pashto always agrees with the nominative SUBJect, if there is one, otherwise, it agrees with nominative OBJect. It confirms default agreement if the nominative case is not available in the clause and the case values are ERGative and DATive respectively having past tense or non-past with perfective and imperfective aspects. Pashto language prefers agreement with that of a SUBJect, if two available nominal expressions in the clause, are in the nominative case.

Author Biography

Muhammad Iqbal, Dr, Department of English, Islamia College University Peshawar

Muhammad Iqbal is an associate professor at the department of English at Islamia college university Peshawar 


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How to Cite
Khan, R., & Iqbal, M. (2021). On Agreement and its interactions with Case A Lexical Functional Grammar Perspectives. Pashto, 50(661). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/167